Saturday, February 13, 2010

today i fixed the doorknob.


today i ate an entire bag of dove chocolates in lieu of meals as some sort of pre-valentines day food therapy session. if that werent tragic enough, i read every single one of those stupid "promises" on the wrappers, and really they just started to make me feel bad about myself. there was one i liked: "success is a culmination of small achievements."

so my doorknob to my room has been wobbly for a good couple months now. this morning i found a screwdriver in my desk drawer, and i fixed it. small achievement.

after i put the screwdriver back in my desk i saw this pile of books that has been sitting there collecting dust, so i took them to the half priced bookstore and sold them for $9.50. small achievement.

i was feeling pretty bad thinking about being single, but i made a really beautiful valentine for the most important guy in my life right now---zac---the best part being that he actually appreciates a solid effort in craftiness. i also managed to make contact with every single member of immediate fam and lauren (who is family lets be honest). small achievement.

i used part of my book earnings to buy a bottle of organic wine that i plan on killing tomorrow. small (but important) achievement.

culmination of small achievements=success.

happy valentines day everybody.

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